About Feldenkrais®
The Feldenkrais® Method of learning is a unique approach to self-understanding and improving function. Its’ effectiveness lies in helping people access their nervous systems own innate process for change and reorganisation.
Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984), the founder of the method, had a broad appreciation of the fields of physics, mechanics, anatomy, physiology, motor development and martial arts. He also had a personal need, as he sustained a knee injury for which he could find no treatment. The ways in which he found to treat himself formed the basis of his method which uses movement as the means for exploration of the patterns of behaviour, which are the way we live our lives.
Feldenkrais and neuroplasticity
Recent research in neuroscience, behavioural science, systems theory and learning has made it clear that many of the strategies employed in Feldenkrais lessons have a sound foundation. Neuroplasticity is a concept that is mentioned frequently nowadays. We have evidence of the way that every time we think and imagine, every time we sense and perceive, every time we move and act in the world, neuronal loops are activated in the brain. In this way we are constantly creating new neuronal connections or strengthening familiar pathways. Movement, memory and learning are closely interrelated.